Thursday, March 1, 2018

Bikini Model Competition Plan

Bikini Model Competition Plan 

Bikini Model Competition Plan Amazing Success Story!
Beckie's Bikini Model Competition Plan led her to an Amazing Success Story! From being overweight to a bikini body bombshell Beckie not only lost over 45 pounds and 20% bodyfat, she stepped on stage to compete in a Bikini Body Competition and did amazing!

Beckie was an online personal training client from Tennessee, back in 2014. She was ready for change and did the Hitch Fit Lose Weight Plan "Lose Weight Feel Great". She did an incredible job, not only did she lose over 40 pounds, she also greatly improved her running times! Her first transformation story inspired so many others to make positive changes. So when she came to me in 2016 ready to tackle some brand new goals, I was so thrilled to have her back! This time around, Beckie had her sites sent on a Bikini Model competition. She wanted to compete in the WBFF Kansas City event. After a lot of challenging life situations that had popped up, she needed a big goal to direct her focus and energy to. I was of course happy to have her back! Beckie is determined and diligent, and I am so proud of her. She did both the Bikini Model category as well as the Transformation category. I have to be honest, the transformation category is my favorite, to see Beckie's picture up on the wall, and to be able to hold her hand right before she stepped out on that stage, was a moment I won't forget. I think we were both fighting back tears looking at the before picture on the screen, and the "after" standing right there in front of us! Beckie received an invitation to compete in the transformation division at the WBFF World Championships, where she will be able to inspire even more people! Incredible job Beckie, I can't describe how proud I am of you, and am blessed to be a part of your empowering and inspiring journey.

Become your own success story. You can do it with Hitch Fit's weight loss and training programs! Read more on Beckie's story...

Bikini Model Competition Plan appeared first on Hitch Fit Online Training

Bikini Model Competition Plan posted first on

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