Monday, March 19, 2018

Lose Weight Over 40

Lose Weight Over 40 

Lose Weight Over 40
Fit over 40 Alayne lost 9% body fat at 48!

I am so excited to share today's Lose Weight Over 40 Success Story Alayne! My gals in their 40's are just so inspiring. I love it when a client doesn't realize what they are really capable of until they go through this process. It's just the best thing in the world to see that Hitch Fit glow on their faces when they have succeeded!

Alayne is friend's with rock star Hitch Fit Transformation Amy Gipson, who is now one of the Hitch Fit Transformation Trainers here in Kansas City. So she has seen first hand what Hitch Fit can do if you're ready to make the lifestyle changes. Alayne, like many women in their 40's, struggled with a gradual weight gain over the years. At 48 years of age, after trying many different things, she started to take a closer look at Hitch Fit. When she was ready to make the commitment, she signed up for the Hitch Fit Online Personal Training Weight Loss Plan "Lose Weight Feel Great".

Alayne's body started changing as she changed up her eating and started training regularly. Alayne shed 9% body fat, and WOW, take a look at those gorgeous ABS! Amazing!! Her strength and energy levels increased, and this amazing lady achieved more than she realized was possible! Congrats Alayne! So proud of you, what an inspiration you are to all of the women out there who want to be Fit over 40!

Lose Weight Over 40 appeared first on Hitch Fit Online Training

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