Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Vegetarian Bikini Model

Vegetarian Bikini Model 

Vegetarian Bikini Model!

Today's transformation story is the gorgeous Nikki! Nikki is a Vegetarian who wanted to come in her best condition as a WBFF Diva Bikini Model! Being vegetarian is definitely not the most traditional way to get in bikini model condition, but Nikki stuck with her Hitch Fit Online Competition Vegetarian Program and proved that it can absolutely be done!

Nikki is so much fun to work with. She is a go getter and she achieved her goal of getting in her best shape ever!! She is also one of Lindsay Messina's NY Divas, so she of course rocked the stage!! Congratulations on a job well done Nikki!!

Starting Body Fat: 24.6%
Ending Body Fat: 15%
Starting weight: 157.6
Ending weight: 134

Read More About Nikki's Story and discover how you can achieve similar results!

Vegetarian Bikini Model appeared first on Hitch Fit Online Training

Vegetarian Bikini Model posted first on

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