Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Breast Cancer Survivor Achieves Fitness Dream

Breast Cancer Survivor Achieves Fitness Dream 

Breast Cancer Survivor Achieves Fitness Dream!

Today's transformation story is one that just gives me goose bumps to share. Andrea is a Breast Cancer Survivor. She was diagnosed at age 29, she went through chemo and treatments and gained over 30 pounds. She first discovered Hitch Fit and reached out to us back in August of 2013, she was one year cancer free at the time, and ready to start making some major changes and really start working towards her Fitness Dream! Andrea has allowed me to share some of her very first messages to us:

Email from Andrea, August 2013:
Title: Completely, Absolutely, 100% Want Help!

"Hi, I'm Andrea and I've been hearing tons about this program and think it would be absolutely perfect for me! I'm a 30 year old female and at the age of 29 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. From all the treatments over the past year I sadly gained 30lbs and desperately want to lose that plus more and be healthy again. Being in the best shape of my life is very important to me and I see now how important good nutrition and exercise is. I want to do everything in my power to keep cancer away! I'm officially over 1 year cancer free and can't wait to get started!

Andrea's Stats:
Starting weight: 186
Ending weight (competition): 132
Starting body fat: 29.2%
Ending body fat (competition): 10%

Andrea shared her inspiring Weight Loss Journey going from breast cancer to a fitness model on KCTV5 Better Kansas City.

Check out Andrea's Full Story...

Breast Cancer Survivor Achieves Fitness Dream appeared first on Hitch Fit Online Training

Breast Cancer Survivor Achieves Fitness Dream posted first on https://hitchfit.blogspot.com

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